for some reason without the tail. Captain unsuccessfully attempted "to sensibly" analyze the created situation.
of Esli this is "white fever", then why features one and such enormous? The customary matter it would be tens of small tailed imps, who aim quietly pull out container, or connect the laces of boots. When imps
appeared, captain ceased to drink to the landing, having solidly designated for himself their arrival as the signal: "will be sufficient".
V of this situation devil was one, but large... But nevertheless one... God with it, with the size. Nine, will not thus far appear, to drink does not be worth ceasing.
Prinyav this complex solution, captain confidently moved forward, namerevayas' to pass devil right through as it privyk to make with his junior fellows. However, this in it did not come out. After undertaking several
unsuccessful attempts, captain began to consider further. But it did not be desirable to think, but it was desirable to drink. Loudly cursing chertey of mutants, captain attempted to go around so annoying an
interference, but devil again proved to be in it on the way. The solution of problem required analytical approach, i.e., it was necessary to drink. Aloud reflecting about how to it it transported, that obstinate of features
was encountered to it already on the opposite road, captain was taken to uncork bottle with the scabby whisky.
Kogda the first swallow reached stomach, captain solved, what impolite to drink one in the presence, assume that obstinate, but nevertheless boon companion, it lengthened bottle to devil. However, features by
polite gesture it refused and reached from the pocket ampule with the power engineer. Captain to ponimayushche nodded and was applied to the bottle.
Proshlo of halfhour. The merry soldier songs, usable by duet, reached from the commander room. Monks, on the instruction of Gauguin, carried out I be empty the container, which disrupted the accordion of the
surrounding space. Ancient for some reason began to suddenly very trembling relate to the cleanliness, when in it appeared servants, which this cleanliness could support. But if it was necessary to be removed very,
Gauguin recalled, that he unpretentious soldier can live in to cattle shed. Usually, any dwelling, where ancient stayed by the pair of days, it was converted into the neglected pigsty.
Kapitan after each song attentively inspected room to the object of the appearance of chertey, without being lazy even to glance under the armchair of pilot. Draw thus far they did not appear, which served as
occasion for the following toast. Pili for the compression of hyperspace, agonizing death of customs officers and reduction in the prices on the fuel. Monks bright organized to captain hors d oeuvre, and now
wineglasses alternated by the juicy crunch of freshsalted cucumber.